Bringa Expo – 2014 bringaexpo

Csapatun meghívást kapott a Bringa Expora, ami az ország legnagyobb kerékpáros kiállítása. Óriási élmény volt, a közönségünk és a bemutató hangulata is a lehető legmagasabb szinten pörgött!

Competition at Miskolc


I won the second Hungarian competition at Miskolc. The organisers created a new category for the Best Racers in Hungary, this name was Super Elite! These sections was really hard, but I found the challenge!! The weather was unbearable…. 44C, … Continue reading

Slovakian Championship


Stefan Pcola invited me to the Slovakian Championship in Poprad. Me and my family started there when I arrived from Wien. The way was 6 hours but this was my ” regeneration time”  Saturday morning was the qualification and I … Continue reading

Wien shooting

Hege Pro

Me and my movie maker ( Sev Isual) were in Austria to shoot my new video. We were just two days because I went a competition in Slovakia. We arrived at wednesday and met with  my dear buddy ( Lorant). … Continue reading

100 000 View


Hi guys, I m very happy because my new video reached the 100 000 VIEW!!THANKS FOR WATCHING! )    

Balaton Bike Fest 2012


In this year the Balaton Bike Fest was the biggest cycling event and competition in Hungary! We leaved one day before the competition and checked the sections after that I watched the Monster Energy’s Dirt Contest, and congrat for the … Continue reading

mtv presence


I was in the number one hungarian TV channel at wednesday. The subject was the Balaton Bike Fest. This is the biggest cycling event in Hungary for all categories. This competition’s date will be this WEEKEND! Check the show and … Continue reading

Belgium – World Cup

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The first world cup in this year was at Belgium, Aalter. I love the cups in this country because the organization is pro all the time! The organizers did a new competition next to the official Trial, It was the … Continue reading